CPRE report shows housing crisis poses threat to survival of rural communities

CPRE report shows housing crisis poses threat to survival of rural communities

New housing by Hugh Venables

New housing by Hugh Venables

The report, entitled ‘Unraveling a crisis: the state of rural affordable housing in England’, launched on 28th November and lays bare the impact of this crisis on real people, along with what is needed to fix it. An affordable, healthy home is the foundation for a decent life. But this report shows that rural communities in England are facing an existential threat from an acute and overlooked shortage of genuinely affordable housing. 

To read more go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/our-report-housing-crisis-poses-threat-to-survival-of-rural-communities/

Read the report, including a jargon-busting explainer, here https://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/unravelling-a-crisis-the-state-of-rural-affordable-housing-in-england/