Volunteer Voices

Here’s what some of our volunteers say about volunteering for CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough: 

Lizzie Bannister

Patrick with Lizzie

Lizzie with her horse, Patrick

Lizzie says: “I just love the countryside as I grew up in, and I believe it is very important for our wellbeing and sustainability. I am a horse rider so I interact with it every day! I’m passionate about my writing – including my blog for CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  I use this and other media and campaigning actions to demonstrate the immense value of our countryside in order to protect it. After all it is our rural heritage that made Britain as we know it: a green land full of nature, beauty and wisdom. So I often badger my poor MP about it all too!” 

Gareth Ridewood

Gareth Ridewood and JD Buckden

Gareth speaking with Jonathan Djanogly MP at a climate event in Buckden.

Gareth says: “Volunteering for CPRE has enabled me to campaign for our local countryside and rural communities.  I have been able to shape Local Plans and policies, have a real say in development; supporting local foods, local business, climate and environmental matters.  It has offered me the chance to discuss countryside issues with those in power across the county. Whatever time you can give is always appreciated and the volunteers are really friendly”

Sally Jackson 

CPRE Work Party

This photograph of a work party in Peakirk shows Sally on the far left of the picture.

Sally says: “I volunteer with CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as it is the go-to organisation to protect and promote our part of rural England. Peterborough is leading the way in protecting our rural countryside, working with the John Clare Countryside Project and the Peterborough Environment City Trust; supporting residents with queries about nature, access and new developments; and support nature restoration work parties”.